How To Use Hollywood's
2.7 Billion Dollar Secret
To Write A Bestseller

A Movie Doesn't Get Produced
If The Studios Aren't Sure
It Will Be A Hit

They Know The Secret
To Making Sure The Audience
Will Love Their Stories

Now You Can Finally
Get In On The Secret


In the Christmas days of 2009 I went to see a movie with my wife, my brother-in-law and his girlfriend.

They had turned up the heat in the theatre because I remember sweating like a pig in my sweater.

The experience stuck with me because the movie we went to watch was the most highly anticipated movie since "Spaceballs."

It was a good movie, but the main innovation was the use of 3D technology that has since become commonplace.

It was James Cameron's "Avatar."

As I said, it was a good movie, even if the story didn't present much in terms of innovation.

Innovation is Overrated

You sit yourself down in front of your computer screen.

Determined to conjure up an innovative hit story from nothing.

When it comes off it's every bit like magic.

That doesn't happen often though.

Heck! You'd give your right arm for it to happen just once.

Ok. Maybe not your arm because that would significantly slow down your typing speed.

Still, even with your willingness to put your limbs on the line it just doesn't seem to happen.

You're left wondering how everybody else does it.

Just looking at the billboards at your local movie theatre it seems the magicians in Hollywood can do this at will.

How do they do it?

When you can't?

It's frustrating.

It's costing you time.

It's costing you money.

You're not even asking for "Harry Potter," "Twilight," or "The Da Vinci Code" levels of success.

Any level of success would do.

There's No "I" In Blockbuster

Coming up with story ideas have never been an issue for me.

Stories anyone but me think are cool...that's another story.

You see, we all have our own idiosyncrasies.

Things we think are awesome that's unique to us.

For me it's super-heroes and epic fights, with a pinch of gloom and romance.

Give me that and I'm all-in.

So, naturally, my expectation is that everybody else loves that too.

And the truth is, some people do.

Others don't.

For me, the highlight of the "Lord of the Rings" is the battle of Helm's Deep.

Tolkien could have stopped the story there for all I care.

Except of course, I'd have missed the battle of Minas Tirith which was pretty awesome too.

In fact, I tend to take my stories to that point way too fast.

My readers rarely love that.

That's why in recent years I've become obsessed with plot structures.

  • The hero's journey.
  • The Lester Dent Master Plot Formula.
  • Well's 7 point structure.
  • James Scott Bell's Super Structure.
  • And many more...

Knowing the steps along the route to the epic fight is enormously helpful.

It's like a GPS system for the bewildered writer.

Still, with the above structures I still largely have to come up with the story myself.

There's a lot of room for error.

People make mistakes along the way.

I sure do!

If only one could follow in the footsteps of blockbuster stories and bestselling books.

If only...

If It's Good Enough For Cameron,
It's Good Enough For You!

I mentioned James Cameron's "Avatar" earlier.

I talked about how the most innovative part of that movie was the use of 3D technology.

That's no slight on Cameron at all.

He went with a proven story formula, and it paid off.

Here's what I mean:

The image linked to above is of course a bit of a goof image that I found online.

However, even the staunchest defender of Cameron's originality will have to admit the similarities are uncanny.

He's not the only one:

I didn't think about it at the time.

But when you look at it you'll realize the similarities between the plots of "Doc Hollywood" and "Cars" are eerily similar.

It turns out it's actually pretty commonplace for Hollywood to use ideas from other movies in new movies.

Here are a few samples of similar movies:

  • "No Strings Attached" and "Friends With Benefits"
  • "White House Down" and "Olympus Has Fallen"
  • "Deep Impact" and "Armageddon"
  • And many, many more...

Now, if you're thinking they're just re-using the same plots in different years after they were initally used here's something to think about.

The two movies in each of the three examples above were released in the same calendar year!

Clearly Hollywood is more concerned about the box office than it is about originality.

Why should you choose to do it any differently?

I Proudly Introduce To You My
"Hollywood Hacks For Fiction Writers"

Hollywood Hacks For Fiction Authors

Wouldn't it be great to work on stories your readers are GUARANTEED to love?

Would that not immensely improve your chances of selling more books?

Of course it would.

In "Hollywood Hacks For Fiction Writers" I show you how you turn stories your readers know and love into your own original works.

You will be basing your books on stories that have done great with your audience in the past.

You will do it exactly the same way the Hollywood studios do it.

However, the methods inside are not just limited to movies.

They can be, and are, applied to bestselling books as well.

I'm a huge fan of the "Jack Reacher" series.

Having said that, the overarching plot of many of the books seem strangely familiar.

That's because Lee Child continues to use a plot formula that's been proven to work.

It would be downright silly for you not to do the same.

Inside "Hollywood Hacks For Fiction Writers" you will get the following:

When you buy "Hollywood Hacks For Fiction Writers" you get:

  • A 37-page PDF ensuring you will NEVER worry about what it takes to plot a story readers love again.
  • An exact over-my-shoulders walkthrough of exactly how I create templates you can use over and over again.

Don't Waste Your Time
On Books That Don't Sell

I'm a huge fan of James Scott Bell's books on the craft of writing.

In one of this books he says the following about literary (read: totally innovative artful posh) fiction.

He says:

"Literary fiction also known as books that don't sell."

Now, I'm not going to claim that you can't ever write a piece of literary fiction that will break through the ceiling of the bestseller chart like a homerun hit that really shouldn't have been attempted inside a glasshouse...true story.

However, I will not hesitate for a split-second to say that your chances are slim.

In other words, James is right on the money...once again.

With "Hollywood Hacks For Fiction Writers" you're not going to have to worry about that ever again.

Sure, your book can tank even if you follow this system.


Plenty of your books probably will.

However, your odds of success are infinitely greater if you use a proven formula.

If you retell an already successful story.

And the fact is, to a vast audience of your readers the story will still seem completely new.

The best part is, you save so frickin' much time by doing it this way.

Let's face it, coming up with something brand new from scratch is hard work and not at all worth your time if you're not sure your readers will like your story.

You wouldn't buy your wife fancy liquorice for Valentine's if you knew all she really wanted was a nice box of chocolate...would you?

Seriously, dont! :-)

Never Worry About
"The" Bestselling Formula Again

When you do it like the pros and simply create stories your audience crave for everything becomes so much easier.

You'll sell more books and get better feedback from your readers.

Selling more books will get you bigger royalty checks after all.

Is this guaranteed?

Of course not, such guarantees don't exist in real life.

But writing what your readers want without all the fuss of having to figure that out on your own sure as hell make life a lot easier.

Instead of spending your time fretting about your next story, you can simply publish one you know your readers will love.

It's one less thing to worry about and and who doesn't want one thing less to worry about?

Put in other words, what happens if you trot along the same barren path you're on now?


How could life be for you 6 months from now if you started publishing proven stories?

Fetch your crystal ball an have a gander.

What do you see?

What do you imagine seeing?

Wouldn't you like to see your book doing well?

Getting great feedback?

And maybe, just maybe earning you some money for a change?

Using proven stories is a far better strategy in that regard.

This is a proven Hollywood hack.

Nothing Changes
If You Don't Change First

It's true.

If you do nothing you're not doing today nothing is going to change for you.

If you walk the same roads you always do you can expect only the same results.

Experiment about to go wrong.

If you feel it's time for a change you have to do something different.

That's just the way life works.

You can't expect success if you're doing the same things that has never worked for you to begin with.

The key to finding success is to go look for it.

Hollywood knows this.

They rarely produce movies they're not at least reasonably sure will make them money.

They're not in the business of experimenting.

Sure, they do that sometimes. I mean, the Oscar has to go to someone.

But the bast majority of the movies produced in Hollywood use a proven formula that works.

The other movies, the experimental ones, are for indies.

For the author who wants a change. An opportunity to make money. For you?

Today is the day you make that change.

Your Future Is...
There For The Taking

Life is about more than merely staying ahead of the coming storm.

It's about living your dreams.

Whether that dream is being able to take you spouse out for dinner once or twice a month, or owning your own tropical island, your dream depends on you to make the right move.

When you're tearing your hair out in front of your computer screen that dream seems far removed.

It doesn't have to be.

The dream WILL happen if you make the right moves.

It seems so complicated, but it isn't.

Multi-billion dollar movies are built on going down the path of least resistance.

Of doing what is tried and tested.

Why would you want to do anything else than that?

Life is difficult enough as it is.

Reach out for your dream.

Make the future YOUR future.

Do it today!

If You Can Enjoy A Good Story,
You Can Rock This!

The key to a successful fiction book is knowing what your audience wants.

It's not the only thing that will be needed to make it successful, but if you don't know this, you WILL fail.

Simple as that.

Fortunately, it's as simple as looking at stories that are already popular in a genre, and taking a leaf out of their to speak.

That's really all there is to it.

Then again, is it really?

It sounds easy, but is it really?

You've got to hit the right structure.

And you've still got to make the story your own.

If you think this is daunting I get it.

It will be, especially the first couple of times.

Particularly, if you go it alone.

However, by using the "Hollywood Hacks For Fiction Writers" training you get a simple step by step plan for how to do it.

Not only that, you get a practical example of how I do it using one of my favorite stories.

It really couldn't be simpler than that.

You can do this. I promise.

Get Started Right Here

Hollywood Hacks For Fiction Authors


"Hollywood Hacks For Fiction Writers" comes with a 30 day no-questions asked money back guarantee...AS LONG as you make your inquiry through the email address provided below. Any PayPal disputes will render the refund policy null and void.

P.S. Aren't you sick of watching potential readers pass up your books? Wouldn't it be nice to have a book on the shelves readers in your genre loves? And to be able to replicate that over and over?

P.P.S. The "Hollywood Hacks For Fiction Writers" system is based on a process used by Hollywood to create one blockbuster movie after another. Billion dollar movies have been created like this.

Mike Nielsen

Contact info: mike[at]